Bump, bump, bump…

A random memory surfacing from the ’60s…or maybe not so random, since I was listening to that awesome song “The Shape of Things to Come” from “Wild in the Streets”, the silly cult movie that perfectly captures the paranoia of that decade. I remember sometime around 1968 or so, watching a live news broadcast as Washington, DC police violently dispersed an anti-war protest. One cop had grabbed a young man by his long hair and was dragging him down the stone steps of some big public building, his head whacking against the marble surface of each step, like a sadistic version of the opening scene in “Winnie-the-Pooh”.

And my grandmother’s comment was, “How can they do that to those poor police?”

About wersgor

After 56 years I have too many interests to count - science fiction and fantasy, comics, films and television old and new, sex, hypnosis, sexual hypnosis, history with all its oddities and scandals, rock oldies, vampires, the list goes on and on and on...
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